You can vary this to suit your dietary needs:
For Diabetics - subsitute the sugar for your sweetener substitute (splenda/equal/etc) and use wholemeal flour
For Gluten Free - now I'm not 100% on this as I personally haven't tried it but you could substitute for GF Flour and apparently Saco make a GF Baking Cocoa Powder - I imagine that would be incredibly hard to source though.
As always - as the oven is involved please monitor little people when you are doing this :)
(these quantities yield a 'lamington tray' - the large rectangle tins, halving will yield a standard square tin, quartering yields a standard loaf tin)
2 Cups Water
1/2 Cup Butter
3 Cups Granulated White Sugar (or Sugar Substitute)
4 Heaped Tablespoon Cocoa
3 Cups SR Flour (or GF SR Flour/Wholemeal SR Flour)
4 Eggs
1. Preheat oven to 180 deg (160 fan force) and grease/line your correct size tin (you can also make these into cupcakes)
2. In a saucepan combine water/sugar/cubed butter
3. Stir til combined and over medium heat stir until butter disolved, ensuring you wipe down the sides of the saucepan with your wooden spoon
4. Increase heat and bring to a boil - once boiling remove from heat and cool
5. Once cool add eggs and SR Flour - beat until well combined
6. Pour into tin and bake until skewer comes out clean (depending on size of cake/oven approx 30-45mins).
Once cool ice in your preferred method - if you make them into cupcakes - dip top into melted chocolate, cover in sprinkles and you will have mini-freckle cakes :)
This cake will also freeze - simply cool, wrap in glad wrap (or in the cupcake case place into zip loc bags) and freeze for upto 3mths uniced - when required thaw until soft and ice as normal - though if you can get any into the freezer I'll be impressed :)
Told you it was easy :)
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